Jason Hishmeh – CTO

Jason leads global software development, cybersecurity, and cloud infrastructure teams as a CTO and CISO for multiple customers and joint venture partners.

Startups have always been a passion of his, and he has contributed his expertise in CTO, CISO, partner, and technical cofounder roles to over seven SaaS startups. One SaaS startup was acquired by a public company.

Through his entrepreneurial journey he’s been involved in many failures and successes. Through all those situations he’s learned a lot of lessons.

As a technical co-founder and investor in multiple early-stage startups, he’s helped turn several innovative ideas into successful, profitable businesses and has been involved in scaling multiple companies to over 100 employees.

Over the course of his career, he’s also had the pleasure of working with many enterprise and Fortune 500 companies across a wide spectrum of industries, including the likes of General Electric, Standard & Poor’s, Allstate Insurance, CNA Insurance, Allscripts, Bayer, Valvoline, and many others.

He enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience and often speaks on topics related to tech startups, product development, cybersecurity, and AI.

He’s still a techie at heart and loves to be hands-on involved from a technical perspective.

His key areas of expertise include:

  • Custom Software Development & Integration
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence) & ML (Machine Learning)
  • Compliance